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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Secret Six #15

Secret Six 15

Deadshot is having issues ! he keeps seeing dead people and he wants to kill everyone he sees and he doesn't like to not be in control so will he kill everyone or will he reform and become a priest?

In this story Deadshot meets up with one of his old friends Reverend Richard Craemer at a downtown Gotham Cafe and he tells the Rev that he has been having uncontrollable homicidal feelings. they catch up on what Floyd has been doing lately then he takes the Reverend to his old house and tells him how he had to “evict” some gang members from his old abandoned house and told them to spread the word that it's his. We also get a nice short flashback of Deadshots origin where he meets Bruce and Batman for the first time.

John is not someone I'm overly familiar with, I know he has been working a lot on the Dark Horse Star Wars Republic series and did a lot with the Suicide Squad in the late 80's including reinvented Barbara Gordon as a computer hacker named Oracle. So I wasn't sure what I was expecting completely it seems a lot of older generation writers from the 80's have really lost there touch lately , but it seems his skills probably never atrophied like a lot of other writers.
Either way it's hard to not be impressed with this issue it's dark and pretty grim at times, but not to the point of parody. Deadshot has always seemed very contradictory about who he decides to kill or not kill on any given issue while even characters like Wolverine who have killed they usually are a little more repentant about it and Deadshot only cares about this sudden impulse cause he can't control it and that bothers him, but he does not care about the moral implications even when he is discussing things with a Reverend the only problem with this story is how suddenly Batman mysteriously disappears in the middle of the story.

J. Calafiore is on pencils and although it doesn't look anything like his regular work the storytelling is very good even in the shadows.

To sum it up Great issue if you have been liking Secret Six so far I seriously doubt you could be disappointed by this at all.

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