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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Black Widow - Deadly Origin #1

Black Widow- Deadly Origin #01 (by Paul Cornell, Tom Raney, and John Paul Leon)

I'm not sure who this book is meant for really and I can't say I am interested in this at all.

The story takes several jumps through places and times including her origin and while the book starts off with Black Widow in a Mini Space Shuttle playing a game of spy one upmanship unfortunately we then get five pages of wordless grunting and pointless fighting.

Then we get to the main plot where a man who is apparently like a father to her named Ivan is on the run because of something called the “icepick protocol” and from there we get somewhat random flashbacks about Natasha's early childhood and for some reason Wolverine makes a cameo appearance (boy that guy sure did get around) and then back to the present.

To be perfectly honest this story bored the hell out of me maybe if you are a big fan of spy type stuff this would interest you and we also have no clue what the icepick protocol is or what it's about and the flashbacks are kind of dull and don't tell us much except Natasha was a killer at an early age.

The art in the present by Tom Raney doesn't really work well especially since all his females have chubby faces it doesn't really fit how Widow is supposed to look which I think should be strong and fierce and determined with high cheekbones, his storytelling isn't all that great either.

The Flashbacks by John Paul Leon are nice and atmospheric and has some interesting layouts that look Steranko-esque.

I can't say if I will continue reading this but right now I can say I don't have much interest, I would advise most people to read something else unless youre a hardcore fan of the original Black Widow or you love Spy books no matter

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