critiques of pop culture and rants and ravings too


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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Transformers v2 #2

So far the renumbering /soft reboot of the Transformers franchise has been pretty good letting new readers to jump in without know a whole lot of knowledge accept the american military isn't so sure they trust the Autobots anymore than the Decepticons at this point and Megatron is seemingly dead and most of the Decpticons seem to have fled the earth.

All of those idea's are intriguing and new to the franchise (as far as i know anyways)

The one problem tho is they came out with a one shot Bumblebee after the first issue that spoiled the entire set up of issue number 2 ! was this some sort of error in publishing? either way it doesn't make a lot of sense because the drama in the second issue was supposed to be who was gonna carry on after Optimus after he surrendered to Skywatch.

the rest of it ? well i like the more military feel of the book even from the Autobots perspective which makes sense given that Matt Costa previously worked on I.D.W's G.I. Joe Series.

And I also really keen on Don Figueroa's pencil work which is highly detailed on the robots and having the sense of scope needed to tell a story with giant robots.

So hopefully there wont be any mistakes like the last one so i can finally jump on to a transformers comic just like i did with there G.I. Joe Series last year.

Victorian Undead #2

Hmm well this was a bit of a let down from the previous issue especially since not much of anything happens and Sherlock Holmes and Watson get saved (right on time no less) by his portly brother(?) who happens to have a crack team of zombie fighting soldiers with advanced weaponry that even we probably don't have right now (Machine guns that look like they belong on top of a tank for instance)and they don't look anything victorian in there uniform.

The writing does seem to capture the language pretty well and the main characters seem to be written in character and the art is decent but doesn't really set the mood of the time period and is starting to seem more endowed to something more slightly more cartoon like or animated looking like Walking Dead which i don't think really fits well with this time period.

I'm hoping the next issue sort of picks up the pace a bit more and gives us some twists and turns.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Powers #1 v3.

I have tried to jump on board with this comic a bunch of times just cause a lot of people tell me how much better Bendis's street level comics are and since this book is mainly about cops and detectives trying to take down super villains i figured this would be a natural and with the new series afoot i figured it would be a good place to start.

Apparently i thought wrong since i am mostly confused and mostly irritated with this comic.

A lot of it has to do with the art by Micheal Avon Oeming which is similar in style to Amanda Conner and other slight retro cartoon like artists while Amanda is a good story teller and great at facial expressions Mr.Oeming doesn't seem to have any of those skills and frankly this style does not work on a gritty comic like this anywyas.

a lot of the story makes absolutely no sense to me at all and a lot of it feels rushed which is ironic considering how long it's been since the last issue came out and also there's some confusing things like i'm not sure what a "powers virus" is and what it does.

Frankly there's a lot of mistakes and plot holes in this like when officer Sunrise says "stop or i'll shoot" even tho she is already shooting.
I'm also curious how the two officers wound up in bed together first they check out a murder and then we get some weird random flashback that parodies the rat pack for no real reason and the next thing the two officers hop in bed together even tho they weren't even getting along before.

Maybe this will all make sense to someone who has read the previous issues but i'm completely left out in the cold and the obvious rushed mistakes and the crappy art doesn't make me wanna stick around and figure things out.

Honestly this feels like an inferior version of Criminal by Ed Brubaker and i would stick with that one unless your a hardcore Bendis fan or a big fan of this series.